Healing Properties of Crystals

A Guide to the Healing Properties of Crystals

Many people believe that crystals have healing powers for mind, body, and soul. They also have beautiful colorways and can add a little extra sparkle to your decor.

But with so many options, it’s hard to know which crystal is the right one for you. To help, we created this handy list of crystals and their meanings.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is one of the most popular crystals for all kinds of love – romantic love, familial love, platonic love and self-love. It is a gentle healing stone for the heart chakra and rekindles innate love, opening the intuitive center, allowing us to feel fully loved and to return the unconditional love of others.

It helps with self-criticism and encourages the letting go of patterns that chip away at self esteem over time. It is a mothering crystal, helping those who may have missed the nurturing they needed as children and inspires compassion and tenderness for self.

It is also a comforting stone during loss and mourning, including the natural ending of a relationship. This is why Jolie DeMarco, author of High Vibe Crystal Healing, considers it a keystone for her crystal emergency kit. It cleanses and balances the physical heart and circulatory system, eases headaches, reduces high blood pressure and releases impurities from body fluids.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli

This gem has a long history in the world of crystal healing. Known for its mystical allure and healing properties, lapis lazuli is often used as an alternative to psychedelics.

It is a natural stone for the higher mind, promoting self-awareness and the pursuit of truth. It brings harmony to friendships and relationships. It is also believed to bring prosperity in career and life.

For physical wellbeing, it is believed to soothe inflammation and lower blood pressure. It enhances intellectual abilities, stimulates and sharpens memory. It also aids sleep and combats depression, vertigo, and anxiety. It is a good crystal for empaths because it helps to alleviate stress. It is often polished into spheres, making it ideal for crystal ball gazing. It can be placed in a home to diffuse the calming vibrations it emits. It is also used for dream work.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline (also known as Schorl) is a powerful stone for grounding and protection. It is thought to protect against negative energies and spirits as well as help one to develop their intuition.

It is often used and placed in healing spaces to maintain a clean energy field for healing, meditation, and spiritual practice. It is also believed to enhance psychic abilities like clairvoyance, clairsentience, and claircognizance.

Black Tourmaline is recommended for Virgos as it helps them to align their external communication with their internal emotional processing and can be very helpful in eliminating negative thoughts and emotions that Virgos often suppress. It is also considered an aphrodisiac and helps to disperse emotional pain and encourages love in those around it. It is a great crystal for anyone who experiences stress or anxiety in their lives.



Carnelian is a fiery stone that is perfect for dispelling self doubt and sparking creativity. It is also thought to boost libido and encourage sexual energy.

Carnelian resonates with the Sacral, Root, and Solar Plexus chakras, helping you find courage and confidence to go after your dreams. It helps you feel grounded and can reduce jealousy and possessiveness in relationships.

Polished tumbled stones and jewelry are the most common way to use carnelian. Sphere shaped versions of this crystal can be used like unique stone wands and work well for stimulating energy in specific areas of the home or for gua sha massage techniques. Carnelian is very easy to care for and can withstand classic cleansing and charging methods. Leaving it in a window with sunlight or moonlight is an excellent option. Carnelian is a classic birthstone for those born in August and September, associated with the Virgo zodiac sign.


Citrine Crystals
Citrine Crystals

Citrine is known for its vibrant energy that boosts the imagination, stimulating creative thinking to aid in manifesting goals and dreams. It is also known as the “Merchant’s Stone” for its association with abundance and prosperity in both business and personal endeavors.

Physically, Citrine is known for enhancing the endocrine system and improving digestion. It is also used to clear away anger and negative thoughts, releasing deep-seated fears and destructive tendencies.

It is the birthstone for November and benefits those whose solar plexus chakra is unbalanced, which may cause them to feel insecure or lack motivation. It is also an excellent stone to use for financial abundance. Place a citrine crystal in your home or carry one with you to manifest wealth and abundance in all areas of your life. It is commonly used in wealth grids and prosperity altars.



Sodalite is a deep blue mineral with captivating spiritual properties and a mesmerizing energy. This gemstone is linked to the Third Eye and Throat chakras and can enhance divination and psychic abilities. It also produces clear thoughts and encourages a person to speak their truth.

It is often called the blue “Logic Stone” because it brings out a person’s analytical side, allowing them to think clearly and deeply. It promotes self-expression and emotional balance and can ease panic attacks.

Sodalite is often used as a tool for spiritual growth and enlightenment. Its calming energy can help individuals connect with their spiritual side during meditation. It can also be worn or placed in living spaces to help promote a harmonious environment.



Green aventurine crystals are known as the “gambler’s stone,” bringing luck in games of chance and encouraging perseverance. They are also thought to promote the growth of a deeper connection with nature and the universe.

In addition to prosperity, green aventurine is also associated with emotional healing and balance. It is believed to soothe anxiety and stress, promoting feelings of calmness and tranquility. It is also believed to encourage a sense of empathy, compassion, and forgiveness, facilitating harmonious relationships.

On a physical level, it is believed to support the function of the thymus gland and boost the immune system. It is also commonly used to soothe eye health and vision issues.



Turquoise is one of the oldest known gemstones. This ancient stone has been prized for its beauty and healing properties for centuries. Its calming energy encourages inner strength and connection to the truth. It has been used by many indigenous cultures around the world and carved pieces have been found in burial and archeological sites throughout the globe.

As a Throat Chakra stone, turquoise is all about truth bubbling to the surface. It can also help soothe a sore throat, clear the lungs, and ease respiratory issues.

As a protection crystal, it is said to shield against negative energies and clear electromagnetic smog from your environment. It can be used to balance all chakras and promote healing throughout the body. It is also believed to encourage friendship and stimulate love, especially romantic love. It can also strengthen courage and personal power.

Blue Lace Agate


Blue lace agate brings the energy of stability, maturity, and reliability to relationships. It balances the emotions of both partners and strengthens loyalty and trust. It also soothes feelings of anger and frustration. It helps to relieve stress, particularly in the workplace.

A soothing stone, Blue Lace Agate calms the nervous system and increases concentration. It can also be used to reduce work-related tension and anxiety, as it encourages focus and a sense of accomplishment.

It is a great tool for writers and deep thinkers. It helps to empower their voice and allows them to express themselves in a gentle, non-violent manner. This stone can also help heal arthritic and bone deformities. It also promotes sleep and lowers high blood pressure. It is a member of the Chalcedony family and has a hardness rating of 7 on the Mohs scale.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is known for its grounding energy. It helps you let go of the past and move on to a brighter future. It also encourages mental clarity and helps you analyze your choices.

It’s available in a variety of shades of brown and black and deepens our connection with the physical world. It brings strength and power, relieving fears that are specifically associated with our physical existence on Earth.

It’s also useful for clairvoyants, as it offers psychic protection when communicating with the deceased. It’s also said to absorb electromagnetic energy from computers and WIFI, so keep a piece of smoky quartz in your workspace if you work with technology regularly. It’s a great partner for the healing crystals Jade and Topaz. They work in perfect synergy together to bring peace, balance, and prosperity into your life.

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